ግንቦት ፯ ቀን ፪ሺ፱ ዓ.ም ዕለተ ሰኞ የዐማራ ድምፅ ራዲዮ[ዐድራ] ስርጭትን እንድታደምጡ አያሰስብን በምትችሉት መንገድና አቅምም አገር ቤት በስፋት እንዲሰማ ትብራችሁንም እንሻለን።

Calling your attention regarding Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is one of the finalists for the assignment of WHO Director General. Dr. Ghebreyesus is an individual suspected of a crime against Humanity in his home country. The Amhara Professionals U

Saturday, May 6, 2017


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